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中外新闻社20周年庆典在北京举行 32国外交使节出席 The 20th Anniversary Ceremony of Home and Abroad News Press held in Beiji

来源: 海内外资讯  日期:2022-01-01 00:42:23  点击:37517 
2021《中外新闻》时代新闻人物颁奖典礼在北京举行,来自 32国外交使节赫尔中方领导出席了庆典。不同肤色、不同语言、不同声音、不同宗教各国驻华大使、媒体记者、新闻官汇聚一堂,共同庆祝中外新闻社创建20周年华诞,共同分享伟大中国的发展成果,为世界“新闻外交”注入新的能量。中外新闻社董事会、中外新闻社理...

    (中外新闻社记者  王惠东 魏炯才)岁末的北京,姹紫嫣红早已不再,天地一片素白,唯有梅雪分外妖娆。2021年12月28日,中外新闻社创建20周年庆典、2021《中外新闻》时代新闻人物颁奖典礼在北京举行,来自 32国外交使节赫尔中方领导出席了庆典。不同肤色、不同语言、不同声音、不同宗教各国驻华大使、媒体记者、新闻官汇聚一堂,共同庆祝中外新闻社创建20周年华诞,共同分享伟大中国的发展成果,为世界“新闻外交”注入新的能量。中外新闻社董事会、中外新闻社理事会、中外新闻社社务会以及中外新闻社驻海外63个国家和地区分社记者站和新闻中心,对各位嘉宾的光临表示诚挚的地欢迎。
    At the end of the year in Beijing, the winter is coming, and the snow makes everything white with peace and silence. On December 28, 2021, the 20th Anniversary Ceremony of Home and Abroad News Press and the Awards Ceremony of 2021 Home and Abroad News Press “News Person of the Year” was held in Beijing. Many Chinese officials and foreign diplomatic envoys from 32 countries attended the event. Foreign ambassadors and diplomats, media reporters as well as international friends with different skin colors, different languages and different religions from different countries gathered to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Home and Abroad News Pres, to share the development achievements of China, and to create new energy for “News Diplomacy” around the world. The board of directors, council members, administrative committee members of Home and Abroad News Press as well as the 63 overseas branches and information centers around the world sincerely welcomed all guests. 

    The attending VIP Chinese guests included Former Deputy Secretary of Publication Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Mr. Zhang Fan, Chief Secretary of the Minister of Finance Mr. Li Tiedui, Former Assistant to the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ma Deqiang, Director of the Central Policy Research Office and First-level commander of the National Emergency Management Committee Mr. Wu Shengde, Director of Huasheng Audiovisual Publishing House under Ministry of Public Security Mr. Zheng Yanwei, the regulation expert and legal adviser to the National Development and Reform Commission, Mr. Xu Huishan, Deputy Director of United Nation International Collaboration and Coordination Agency, President of Home and Abroad News Press, Mrs. Wei Yan and such.

    应邀出席当晚盛会的外国贵宾有: 巴基斯坦共和国驻华大使莫因•哈克阁下、亚美尼亚共和国驻华大使马纳萨良阁下、贝宁共和国驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下、阿塞拜疆共和国驻华大使杰纳利•阿克拉姆阁下、孟加拉国驻华大使马赫布•乌兹•扎曼阁下、斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国驻华大使帕利塔•科霍纳阁下、佛得角共和国驻华大使塔尼亚•罗穆阿尔多阁下、斯洛伐克共和国驻华副大使彼得•克莱诺夫斯基、突尼斯共和国驻华副大使穆斯塔法•阿比德、尼泊尔驻华使馆经济部长查宾德拉•帕拉朱利、乌拉圭驻华副大使马丁•奥兰多、牙买加驻华副大使梅丽莎•普莱斯女士、坦桑尼亚联合共和国驻华公使衔参赞米拉•吉乌西、埃及驻华使馆公使马赞•弗莱菲尔、亚美尼亚驻华使馆领事安娜•阿祖曼尼安女士、伊朗驻华使馆文化参赞阿巴斯阿里•瓦法伊、泰国驻华使馆公使参赞娜蒂拉•克拉赛萨恩女士、泰国驻华使馆文化参赞蒙拉达・亚姆卡西科恩女士、多哥驻华使馆商务参赞马兹卡珍达、埃及驻华使馆马赞•弗莱菲尔、塔吉克斯共和国坦驻华大使助理穆志龙等及墨西哥、赞比亚、卢旺达、几内亚等外交官。
    The attending VIP foreign guests included Ambassador of Pakistan to China, H.E. Mr. Moin UI Haque, Ambassador of Armenia to China, H.E. Mr. Sergey Manasaryan, Ambassador of Benin to China, H.E. Mr. Simon P. Adovelande, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to China H.E. Mr. Zeynalli Akram, Ambassador of Bangladesh to China H.E. Mr. Mahbub Uz Zaman, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China H.E. Dr. Palitha Kohona, Ambassador of Cabo Verde to China,H.E. Mrs. Tania Romualdo, Deputy Ambassador of Slovakia to China Mr. Peter Klenovsky, Deputy Ambassador of Tunisian Embassy in China Mr. Mustapha Abid, Nepalese Embassy in China, Mr. Chhabindra Parajuli, Deputy Chief of Mission of Uruguayan Embassy in China, Mr. Martin Orlando, Deputy Ambassador of Jamaica to China Mrs. Mellisa Pryce, Minister Counselor of Tanzania to ChinaDr. Miraji Ussi, Minister of Egyptian Embassy in China Mr. Mazen Flaifl, Attache of Armenia Embassy in China Ms. Anna Arzumanyan, Cultural Counselor of Iranian Embassy in China, Mr. Abbasali Vafaei, Minister Counsellor of Thai Embassy in China, Mrs. Natthira Krasaesarn, Cultural Officer of Thai Embassy in China, Ms. Monrada Yamkasikorn, Commercial Counselor of Togolese Embassy in China, Mr. Maz Kadjenda, Counselor of Egyptian Embassy in China Mr. Mustafa Elbadri, Counselor of Tajikistan Embassy in China, Mr. A.S. Nosirov and many diplomats from Mexico, Zambia, Rwanda, Guinea and such.

    At 6:00pm, the ceremony started with the Chinese national anthem……

    The Deputy Director of United Nation International Collaboration and Coordination Agency, the President of Home and Abroad News Press, Mrs. Wei Yan, gave a welcome speech on the behalf of Home and Abroad News Press Board of Directors, Council, Executive Committee, Administrative Committee as well as 63 branches and information centers around the world She said that today is the 20th anniversary of Home and Abroad News Press. Since founding in 2001, Home and Abroad News Press was approved by the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council to participate in the national "Two Sessions" and the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the APEC Summit, the G20 Summit, the Global Think Tank and the Asia-Europe Summit for 20 consecutive years. The Home and Abroad News magazine was designated by the United Nations associated organization as the mainstream media in June 2006. All of those achievements cannot be done without the support and assistance of Chinese leaders at all levels, including the Central Propaganda Department, the State Council Information Office, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, and the Hong Kong Liaison Office.

    She sincerely thanked the entire Home and Abroad News Press team who dedicated fully  to help the media continuously growing for the past 20 years. With a strong sense of social responsibility, we have built our media creditability in the international community.

    It takes tremendous efforts to build Home and Abroad News Press in the past 20 years. The success of Home and Abroad News Press is created from its innovative business model, top-performance talented employees, continuous encouragement and systematic management. In the past 20 years, we grew from a small company to an international corporation which owns and operates more than 63 global branches and information centers, including U.S.A, Canada, Finland, France, U.K., Singapore, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Cambodia and many other countries. In those countries, our works and contributions were greatly appreciated by the local governments and communities. 

    Home and Abroad News Press promotes “News Diplomacy” to enhance international cooperation in various fields. We have interviewed 29 countries’ top leaders and high-level officers from international organizations. Our work is also highly appreciated by Chinese and foreign officials, ambassadors and the leaders from different sectors.


    On June 26, 2021, during the celebrative moment of the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China, Home and Abroad News Press organized the foreign diplomats of 22 countries to China to visit the historic site of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China. At the end of the visit, we also arranged a symposium in Donghu Hotel Shanghai. The foreign diplomats from Slovakia, Thailand, Bahamas, Jamaica, Togo, Nepal, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Philippines, Iran, Cuba, Indonesia and other countries expressed their feelings and understanding about the development journey of the Chinese Communist Party. They really learned the reason why Chinese people support and love the CPC very much. They all stated that the CPC’s century-long history has set a benchmark for political parties in the world.
    Since inception, Home and Abroad News Press has been extremely active on the international stage with its global vision and innovative development model. We believe in “harmony and peace”. In 2021, we are running at the frontier of the world media sector with our “China Dreams” to create more positive energy for the international community. As mainstream media, Home & Abroad News Press and other overseas media channels to show a real China to the Western countries.

    She said that China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” has been widely accepted by over 100 countries and international organizations. Many of them listed the “Belt and Road Initiative” into the top priority agendas to promote information exchanges, peace keeping, friendship development and international cooperation. The progress of “Belt and Road Initiative” cannot be succeeded without the support from the governments and people around the world as well as the support of all media. Therefore, Home and Abroad News Press plays an important role in the international stage.

    May 6th, 2011, Chinese State Council officially approved Home and Abroad News Press to open Mainland China office in Beijing.

    Nine years ago, Communication University of China and Home and Abroad News Press established strategic partnership, and Home and Abroad News Press also opened a local office in the Communication University of China to educate more media talents for global media sector.

    Until now, Home and Abroad News Press successfully launched five associated organizations within the organization structure, including Home and Abroad News Press magazine, Home and Abroad News Press website, Chinese and Overseas Entrepreneur Association, International Integration Observation Committee and China National Artworks Institute.

    庆典会上,中共中央宣传部新闻出版局原副局长张凡上台致辞,他高度评价中外新闻社20年来为世界了解中国和中国了解世界、促进中国人民和世界人民的友好关系发展做出了重大贡献。充分肯定20年来在国际社会的舞台上,中外新闻社把和谐融入世界,向世人展示的不仅仅是一个传媒的职能,更是传递和平的纽带。“展示‘新闻外交’、 推动世界和平”---成为了中外新闻社发展的主题,中外新闻社在推动“新闻外交”、加强国际合作等领域都做出了表率。曾采访29国政府首脑和国际组织重要官员,受到联合国及多国政要、驻华大使、华人华侨的高度评价。
    At the ceremony, the Former Deputy Secretary of Publication Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Mr. Zhang Fan spoke highly about Home and Abroad News Press. In the past 20 years, Home and Abroad News Press made great contributions to promote the friendly relationship between Chinese people and the people around the world, to show a real China to the world through deepening mutual understanding. He said that Home and Abroad News Press is not only a media channel to connect China and the whole world, but also a bridge to deliver peace. The “News Diplomacy for World Peace” has become the theme of Home and Abroad News Press. The media had exclusive interviews with 29 national leaders and key officers from international organizations with high appreciations from UN officials, political leaders, foreign ambassadors and overseas Chinese people.

    In today’s diversity world, as the mainstream media, Home and Abroad News Press introduced the “News Person of the Year” awards to recognize the outstanding individuals who made great contributions to world peace and harmonious development among different countries. This year, the award winners of 2021 “News Person of the Year” are Ambassador of Pakistan to China, H.E. Mr. Moin UI Haque, Ambassador of Thailand to China, H.E. Mr. Arthayudh Srisamoot, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to China, H.E. Mr. Zeynalli Akram, Ambassador of Bangladesh to China, H.E. Mr. Mahbub Uz Zaman, Ambassador of Jamaica to China, H.E. Mr. Antonia Hugh, Ambassador of Egypt to China, H.E. Mr. Mohamed Elbadri, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China, H.E. Dr. Palitha Kohona, Ambassador of UAE to China, H.E. Mr. Ali Al Dhaheri, Ambassador of Tanzania to China, H.E. Mr. Mbelwa Kairuki.

    After President Xi Jinping proposed the “Belt and Road Initiative”, this massive program has received positive responses from many countries and a number of international cooperation role model projects. At the award ceremony, Home and Abroad News Press also presented the special award “Outstanding Contributions to “Belt and Road” International Cooperation” to Ambassador of Slovakia to China H.E. Mr. Dusan Bella, Ambassador of Armenia to China, H.E. Mr. Sergey Manasaryan, Ambassador of Benin to China, H.E. Mr. Simon P. Adovelande, Ambassador of Uruguay to China, H.E. Mr. Fernando Lugris, Ambassador of Cabo Verde to China,H.E. Mrs. Tania Romualdo, Economic Minister of Nepalese Embassy in China, Mr. Chhabindra Parajuli and Cultural Counselor of Iranian Embassy in China, Mr. Abbasali Vafaei.

    In the post-COVID era, global problems have emerged one after another, challenges and risks have become more severe. All parties need to work together to spread the concept of peaceful development, deepen practical exchanges and cooperation, and promote people-to-people bonds. During the ceremony, Ambassador of Pakistan to China, H.E. Mr. Moin UI Haque, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to China H.E. Mr. Zeynalli Akram, Ambassador of Bangladesh to China H.E. Mr. Mahbub Uz Zaman, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China H.E. Dr. Palitha Kohona, Ambassador of Benin to China, H.E. Mr. Simon P. Adovelande, Ambassador of Cabo Verde to China,H.E. Mrs. Tania Romualdo and Cultural Counselor of Iranian Embassy in China, Mr. Abbasali Vafaei also delivered speeches on the stage. They all hope that Home and Abroad News Press will continue to make greater contributions to the global recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic and to further develop stronger, closer and more extensive partnership between Home and Abroad News Press and their countries.

  中外新闻社总裁韦燕向 巴基斯坦共和国驻华大使莫因·哈克阁下2021《中外新闻》时代新闻人物奖
    The VIP guests and foreign ambassadors also cut the birthday cake together for the 20th birthday of Home and Abroad News Press. The President of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs. Wei Yan led the female diplomats and ambassadresses to sing the song “Auld Lang Syne”  together on the stage. The encouragement and wisdom of the female diplomats are perfect combination of eastern and western culture, that symbolizes the great harmony in the world family.

    What a great evening with all guests from many countries! In this winter, Home and Abroad News Press is adding up more colors; in this winter, Home and Abroad News Press is taking up more hopes. We will never forget this memorable moment and continue our journey with our great “China Dream”.

  中外新闻社总裁韦燕向佛得角共和国驻华大使塔尼亚·罗穆阿尔多(Mrs.Tania Romualdo)颁发2021“推动一带一路国际合作杰出贡献”奖
  中外新闻社总裁韦燕向尼泊尔驻华使馆经济部长查宾德拉·帕拉朱利(Mr.Chhabindra Parajuli)颁发2021“推动一带一路国际合作杰出贡献”奖

