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    (马来西亚海内外传媒集团记者、国际华文媒体联盟记者、海内外杂志社记者联合报道)2023年11月28日,由中国侨联指导,辽宁省侨联、沈阳市委宣传部、沈阳市侨联主办,沈阳日报社、沈阳市侨商会、沈阳新侨创新创业联盟、沈阳市华侨文学艺术家联合会、沈阳现代化都市圈侨商会联盟承办的“追梦中华•开放与创新的辽沈大地"2023海外华文媒体辽宁(沈阳)采访行在采访团团长、中国侨联信息传播部左志强部长的带领下继续在沈阳参访。 来自马来西亚、法国、德国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚、美国、加拿大、爱尔兰、埃及、印度尼西亚、中国香港、中国澳门等国家和地区的15家华文媒体,以及人民日报海外版、人民政协报、中国网等5家中国主流媒体参加了本次采访行活动。辽宁省侨联驻会领导(副厅级)刘卫东, 沈阳市侨联党组书记、主席张梅,辽宁省侨联文化宣传部部长李玫羽,沈阳市侨联办公室主任张良等领导陪同参访。


After the failure of the Great Revolution of 1927. revolution in China reached a low point. To further strengthen its leadership over the revolution of the people in Northeast China, the Communist Party of China established the Manchurian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. the leading organ of party organizations in northeast provinces and cities, under the resolution of the CPC Central Committee. The Manchurian Provincial Committeo of the Communist Party of China was established in Ootober 1927 as the highest leading body of the Party in Northeast China.Conrades Chen Weiron. Liu Shaogi, Lin Zhongdan,Chen Tangiu, and Luo Dengxian all served as secretaries of the Manchurian Provincial CPC Connittee. Anti-Japanese national heroes Yang Jingyu. Zhou Baozhong.Li Zhaolin. Feng Zhongyun, Wei Zhengmin. Jin Boyang and Zhao Yiman were all important members of the Manchurian Provincial Party Committee. and they aill left glorious foot prints on land of the Northeast. Xie Juezai, Zhou Enlai and other revolutionaries of the older generation personally visited the Manchurian provincial party committee to direct their work.
Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the Manchurian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China carried out revolutionary activities in various forms. which spread the revolutionary fire throughout the northeast region and created a new situation of the revolutionary movement in the northeast region. After the outbreak of the September 18 incident in 1931. the Manchurian Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China stood at the forefront of the War of Resistance against Japanesc aggression and called on people from all walks of life to resolutely resist the Japanese invaders.it was the initiator, organizer, promoter and only leader of the 14-year War of Resistance against Japan in Northeast China, and created the heraic Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army. which played an important role in the 14-year War of Resistance against Japan in Northeast China.In June 1936, the Manchurian Provinaial Committee of the Communist Party of China was reorganized, and four provincial committees of the Southern Manchurian Region. Eastern Manchurian Region, Eastern Jilin Region and Northern Manchurian Region and two special committees of Harbin and Fangtian were set up one after another. The four provincial committees were mainly responsible for the work of the four major guerrilla areas. Two special committees were responsible for the work of local party organizations dominated by several major cities.From Septomber 20 to 23,1945.Zhou Baozhong, secretary of the Northeast CPC Committee and leader of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, ment to Shenyang to give a detailed report to Peng Zhen and Chen Yun, secretaries of the Northeast Bureau. and handed over all relations, party fees and archives of the Northeast Party Committae to the Northeast Bureau. At the same time, the leadert of the Northeast Bureau accepted the organizational relationship transferred by the Northeast Committen of the Communist Party of China, and the Manchurian Provincial Conmittee of the Communist Party of China and ita successor organizations entered a new historical era together with the whole Party after completing their historical mission.



In the courst of 17 years and 11 months of dauntless struggle, the Manchurian Prov incial Committee of the CPC lived up to the hopes of the CPC CentralCommitted, withstood the test of blood and fire, and led the poople of Nertheast China through toug and fought dauntlessly on the land of Northeast:China. Great achiovements have been established for the hard-working masses and nationa look back through time because the fiery blood like history touches our soul. We gaze long ahead for the magnificent poems written between engraved on our hearts. Admittedly, the pictures and recreated scenes cannot restore the bloodshed and defiance exper nist Party members through those hard years. And all words and descriptions cannot give full justice to the indomitable and herolc efforts made by altlanoruortweein the tar of Resistance arainst Jasan The exhibition. "History of the Manchurian Provincial CPC Committee' will hele paopls gain a daeper understanding of the position and role of the
Manchurian Provincial CPC Committee in the process of the Chinese revolution, so as to inspire infinite remembrance and respect for our predecessors, shoulderthe important historical task, and work together to build a better tomarrow and realize the great Tvenation of the Chinese nation.

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