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MPACT ELECTRONICS COMPANY启动仪式 &浪潮中东办事处成立大会 暨浪潮智能终端产品发布会成功举办

来源: 海内外资讯  日期:2023-10-13 14:29:11  点击:90006 
& Inspur Middle East office establishment conference
and Inspur intelligent terminal product launch conference
were successfully held
报道Reported by:中东绿洲传媒 - Middle East Oasis Media
翻译Translated by:谢燕美 - Selena Xie

当地时间9月26日,浪潮中东办事处成立大会暨浪潮智能终端产品发布会&IMPACT ELECTRONICS COMPANY启动仪式The Westin Dubai Mina Seyahi Beach Resort & Marina 顺利召开。

On September 26, local time, the establishment meeting of Inspur Middle East Office and the launching ceremony of Inspur Intelligent Terminal Product & IMPACT ELECTRONICS COMPANY were successfully held at The Westin Dubai Mina Seyahi Beach Resort & Marina.

IMPACT ELECTRONICS依托浪潮公司,专业从事超高清软硬件产品的研究,提供LED音视频 一套整体解决方案。其裸眼3D展示屏在国际具有最领先技术。可以将阿联酋及中东地区城市文化与创意内容相融合,利用裸眼3D大屏打造城市独一无二的视觉名片,不仅优化旅游消费体验,更因为裸眼3D技术所呈现的震撼视觉体验,打造成为新的城市打卡地标。

Relying on Inspur, IMPACT ELECTRONICS specializes in the research of ultra-high-definition software and hardware products and provides an overall solution for LED audio and video. Its naked-eye 3D display screen has the most advanced technology in the world. It can integrate the urban culture and creative content of the UAE and the Middle East, and use the naked-eye 3D large screen to create a unique visual business card of the city. It not only optimizes the tourism consumption experience, but also creates a new city check-in landmark due to the shocking visual experience presented by the naked-eye 3D technology.

为能积极参与阿联酋及中东城市数字建设项目,浪潮公司与Dake Group的执行主席兼集团首席执行官Chandra Dake先生及夫人sujatha Dake女士达成合作协议共同成立IMPACT ELECTRONICS COMPANY。

In order to actively participate in urban digital construction projects in the United Arab Emirates and the Middle East, Inspur reached a cooperation agreement with Mr. Chandra Dake, executive chairman and group CEO of Dake Group, and his wife, Ms. Sujatha Dake, to jointly establish IMPACT ELECTRONICS COMPANY.

IMPACT ELECTRONICS COMPANY是一家有着多年积淀,产品内容丰富的全新公司,在面对中东市场,开拓新时代一带一路上,会一步一个脚印砥砺前行。

IMPACT ELECTRONICS COMPANY is a brand new company with many years of accumulation and rich product content. It will step by step in the face of the Middle East market and the development of the Belt and Road in the new era. Forge ahead.


The leaders of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade’s representative office in the Gulf region sent a congratulatory message.

沙迦酋长国亲王、执政皇室成员、体育委员会Shaikh Mohammed Jamal Al Qasimi先生、沙特皇室办公室顾问MAY MOHAMMED AL FAIHANI 女士、阿联酋教育部、沙迦旅游局主要领导Marwan Bin Jassim Al Sarkal先生、阿尔及利亚国家能源局高级顾问H.E Ahmed Nouasria先生、DR Mohamed Bashir KHARRUBI、谢赫穆罕默德MBH办公室主任、阿中总会长唐振刚先生以及浪潮公司相关领导、崆峒派第十一代掌派人白义海先生等社会各界人士出席会议现场,并合影留念。

Mr. Shaikh Mohammed Jamal Al Qasimi, Prince of the Emirate of Sharjah, Member of the Ruling Royal Family and Sports Council, Ms. MAY MOHAMMED AL FAIHANI, Advisor to the Saudi Royal Office, Mr. Marwan Bin Jassim Al Sarkal, Chief Leader of the UAE Ministry of Education and Sharjah Tourism Authority, Mr. H.E Ahmed NouasriaSenior Director of the National Energy Authority of Algeria Consultants DR Mohamed Bashir KHARRUBI, Director of the Office of Sheikh Mohammed MBH, Mr. Tang Zhengang, President of Al-China, and relevant leaders of Inspur Company,  Mr. Bai Yihai, the eleventh generation leader of the Kongtong Sect, and other people from all walks of life attended the meeting, and took a group photo.

会场巅峰时期达到百余人参与并观看产品介绍和裸眼3D沉浸空间带来的视觉冲击,也正和IMPACT ELECTRONICS核心文化相呼应:视觉冲击力,带你看全新世界。

During the peak period of the venue, more than a hundred people participated and watched the product introduction and the visual impact brought by the naked eye 3D immersion space, which also echoed the core culture of IMPACT ELECTRONICS: visual impact, taking you to see a new world.
公司股东sujatha Dake女士现场发言
Ms. Sujatha Dake, a shareholder of the company, spoke on the spot
Dake Group执行主席Chandra Dake先生现场发言
Executive Chairman of Dake GroupMr. Chandra Dake gave a speech on the spot

   IMPACT ELECTRONICS首席中阿联络官、崆峒派第十一代掌派人白义海先生现场表演崆峒太极。

Mr. Bai Yihai, Chief Sino-Arab Liaison Officer of IMPACT ELECTRONICS and the 11th generation leader of the Kongtong Sect, performed Kongtong Tai Chi live.
Master Bai Yihai of Dubai Royal Martial Arts School is performing Tai Chi

Supplied by International Chinese Media Alliance

